Shelly Hebert, RN CRRN LNCC
Shelly Hebert, RN CRRN LNCC, is a masters prepared nurse who has worked with the Kosmitis Bond PLC since 1999. Shelly is dedicated to ensuring the harmony between the integrity of the healthcare profession and the justice system.
Loyola University Graduate Nursing Program
Northwestern State University School of Nursing, 1992
Professional Credentials:
Professional Credentials:
Licensed in Louisiana and Texas as a Registered Nurse
Certified legal nurse consultant
Board certified:
Rehabilitation registered nurse
Forensic nurse examiner
Sexual assault nurse examiner
Board member, Shreveport District Nurses Association
State delegate, American Nurses Association
Louisiana State Nursing Association
Political action chairman, Louisiana State Nursing Political Action Committee
Association of Certified Rehabilitation Nurses
American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants